Analyze POS foot traffic, consumer preferences, and purchasing patterns. Champion demand sensing, improve customer engagement, and reduce costs.

a women inside a grocery store holding a green basket
Handy logoLets transport logososafe logososafe logososafe logoHugo logoSprintcrowd logo
Map showing the performance of different POS locations
Demand Sensing

Eliminate guesswork

Sense consumer demand with precise geospatial data for supply chain optimization. Analyze POS foot traffic, demographics, consumption patterns, and competition to make proactive customer-centric decisions.

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Site Selection

Quantify halo and cannibalization effects

Analyze demographic purchasing to align with your supply plan, and effectively balance new locations with existing ones.

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Map showing halo and cannibalization effects
Map showing footfall attribution for maximizing location profitability in FMCG
Footfall Attribution

Maximize location profitability

Analyze foot traffic at POS to identify profitable locations. Using our mobility data and demographic insights, understand local market dynamics and consumer behavior, and plan inventory distribution.

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Market Intelligence

Grow your market reach

Analyze consumer behaviors and preferences in different regions. Identify new market opportunities and assess competitor landscapes for strategic expansion.

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Map showing how to pick your next location for your store depending on foot traffic of a city

The best decisions are made With Echo.


Our challenge was to find mobility data that seamlessly integrates with our users' GIS workflows.

Echo Analytics, which provides a database of businesses and stores enriched with mobility analysis, was the ideal solution.

Jaime Nieves
Data & Location Services

Make better decisions with Echo.

Empower your business with Echo location intelligence today