Market Research.

Enrich your understanding of consumer behavior with location intelligence. Offer location-based surveys, and inform predictive analytics for more actionable insights and efficient market research methods.

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Customer Segmentation & Targeting

Precisely target customer segments

Running a city-focused research project? Trigger surveys based on panelists’ location with precision, geotagging responses for deeper insights, and recruit respondents based on physical location.

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Data Enrichment

Enrich your datasets

Layer your data with our GeoPersona insights, adding depth to consumer interests and mobility patterns for richer market analyses.

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footfall around places
Footfall Attribution

Provide greater context

Add context to your findings by detailing location and footfall, enhancing survey responses for a more precise understanding of respondents’ locations.

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The best decisions are made with Echo.


We have run multiple successful POCs with clients using the data from Echo Analytics for OOH campaigns. 10%+ of all our campaigns have used activation strategies using POI level data since we launched the data last month.

Vidya Ravisundar
Senior Product Manager

Make better decisions with Echo.

Empower your business with Echo location intelligence today