Catchment Area.

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Catchment area is the geographical zone from which a business draws customers. Conduct catchment area analysis using Echo's data to decode customer behavior and mobility, optimize ROI, and target the right audience. This analysis reveals customer origins, penetration rates, and location performance, aiding strategic decisions on store openings and closures.

Catchment area of Gucci stores in New York City
Gucci reconsidering store locations

The dataset shows that two of the Gucci stores in New York City share the same catchment area, demonstrating that both of these stores capture the same customers from the same parts of the city.

With these insights in mind, Gucci could consider closing down one of the stores so as not to create a cannibalization effect, or they can identify a new store location.

Understand market penetration
Discover the depth of your market reach and effectiveness in attracting customers within your catchment area, allowing you to focus your conversion efforts.
Maximize ROI
Gather insights into customer behavior, enabling you to focus marketing efforts more effectively and maximize overall ROI.
Site selection
Strategically scout out future store locations that align with your target customer base, ensuring new locations are strategically positioned to maximize customer reach and engagement.
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The best decisions are made With Echo.


Our challenge was to find mobility data that seamlessly integrates with our users' GIS workflows.

Echo Analytics, which provides a database of businesses and stores enriched with mobility analysis, was the ideal solution.

Jaime Nieves
Data & Location Services

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