Home & Work Locations.

Employ mobility data provided by Echo to determine the home and work locations of consumers based on where they spend time during certain hours several days a week. With this information, companies can tailor their commercial offerings based on people's work and home locations.

Map showing hexagons around a city to understand the share of people who live and work in those hexagons
Stocking Franprix’s long-tail products

Here we see the work and home locations of Franprix visitors in Paris.

In this study, ~25% of these Franprix visitors live or work within 400m radius (hex8) of the Franprix location.

Given how close their visitors live to their stores, Franprix has an opportunity to review their ‘impulse long-tail products’ catalog to consider customers’ convenience-buying habits.

Tactical site selection
Make an informed decision about your next store location based on high customer density during commuting hours or residential neighborhoods with untapped market potential.
Anticipate customer behavior
Analyze patterns over time to forecast future demand, optimize inventory levels, and tailor offerings to meet customers’ needs based on where they live and work.
Personalize offers
Use home and work location data to offer personalized discounts or promotions that cater to customers’ routines. For instance, a coffee shop offering discounted morning coffee near customers’ work locations to garner visitation during morning commutes.
Industries we specialize in.

Explore how our products and use cases can be used across the different industries we specialize in. If you have any questions about these industries and what we can do with them feel free to get in touch and we can schedule a call and blablabla.

The best decisions are made with Echo.


We've been through a thorough sanity check process to select our POI data provider and Echo Analytics's got it all!

We are extremely happy with this partnership as their data is as good as their service: really premium!

Nicolas Saraiva

Make better decisions with Echo.

Empower your business with Echo location intelligence today